Articles filed under lawyers

Does Size Matter? (Part 3)

In Part 1, I explored how large law firms and big brokerages are similar, based on the forthcoming paper by Glenn Reynolds, a law professor

Does Size Matter? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, I examined a scholarly paper by one Glenn Reynolds(aka, Instapundit, who is a law professor, the author of Army

Does Size Matter? (Part 1)

Aaaaand I can hear the tee-hee’ing going on in Costa Mesa from here.  While I’m not above making cheap jokes in order to erect a

A Challenge to the Realestistas

First, go read this series please.  It is a 20-part series by a practicing attorney on “What It Takes to Be a Great Trial Lawyer”. 

Realtors vs. Lawyers: Social Media

While I managed to escape the fate of practicing law (except for a summer experience, which is to actual legal practice as Barbados is to

The Future of Brokerage Paper

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